Saturday, May 31, 2014

"Service" another name for Missionary!

Seniors Family Home Evening

Back to School Kits - Service Project

Seniors putting together kits in an assembly line at Family Home Evening.

Even the Temple Missionaries came to help with this one.  Such a great group of people!



Morong Zone Temple Day 

Mission Conference

Some of our Zone at the door of the Manila Temple

Missionaries always have fun together at Conferences

Temple Endowments &

Forever Families

Sister Heve, Sister Victoria, Nanay Adelfa, Jennifer & Agapito Calderon and 5 yr. old daughter
 Doesn't that cute little grandma remind you a little bit of Grandma Johnson?

A happy, happy day for these wonderful people.

Ercelida Heve and her daughter Julieann (soon to receive her mission call)

We took them all to the temple in our truck.
Jennie, the 13 yr old niece of the Calderon's came along to watch the daughter during the endowments. She feel asleep on me on the way to the temple.  Sooo sweet.  The 5 year old fell asleep on me on the way home.

 Erna Bustamante and three of her children, GeeB, Jhon, and Mica having breakfast with us 
on her day off.

Turning trash into pesos for her living.  Erna works
long hard hours for these sweet kids.

This is the bike and cart you see her pushing day after day, hour after hour for about $6.50 a day!

Giving Back to School Kits to Children

Another fun pic of our trip to the Coconut Plantation! 



Sunday, May 25, 2014

Mission Miracles!

Zone Activity

Marshmallow Straw Fight!!

 Zone Leader Elder Merrill trying to get everyone's attention to give "rules".  HELLO!
In this game there ARE NO RULES!

The ammo.....everyone had at least one bag.  At the end everyone had only used about 1/2 bag.  They were the best!  About the size of a pencil eraser. 

We had to find a secluded forest...where no one could see a bunch of LDS missionaries acting like this.  :)

It was supposed to be like steal the flag.....
but it ended in a free for all.
Elder Culango acted like it was HUNGER GAMES!  See his shield...


We got absolutely NO mercy!

The front.....

The back....
 Accident in the Philippines!
Our back right side dented and smooshed!
Isuzu Drop-side crushed front.

 It took us over four hours to fill out an accident report.

We are so grateful for the Sister Missionaries but were so frustrated and anxious we didn't get their picture.
Never thought we'd spend some time here!

Coconut Plantation

with the Senior Couples

Grandpa in his Vietnamese rice workers hat.

 Waiting for the Caribou ride.....

Native singers in the back of each wagon.

 They had a Filipino buffet and you ate at these tables with your feet in the water.  No silverware so we had to eat with our hands.  We are going to come back with no social graces, I'm afraid.

The Program

Excellent dancers who were so beautiful!

Amazing costumes for each dance.

 Cups of water on their heads the whole time they danced, laid down and stood back up etc.

 The Grounds

The Museum
Chandelier in a building

War artifacts...

 Lovely Gardens....

Great Company

Traveling Assistants to the President  Elder Blackham and Elder Hall
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Sister McCarthy from New Zealand, Erwin and Sister Strebel from California. Erwin just got interviewed to be baptized by the Mission President.  He was gay and is very effeminate but has since changed has studied the gospel and wants to be baptized. He was baptized on Saturday. 

Teresa Branch Sewing Machine 
Getting Good Use!

Sister Tess (Primary President) sewing 40 scripture bags for the primary's Father's Day gifts!  Can you believe that!?